All hosting sites are located in the United States and are managed by GoGo Tech. Hosting includes our white-glove management services.
Our white-glove management services for your miners. Better power efficiency, custom firmware, low power mode, heat management, and more!
Since 2014 we dared to embrace Bitcoin and the financial freedom it brought to the people! Throughout all these years and many market cycles, we've gained valuable experience in all aspects of this brand-new, still undeveloped industry. We are happy to share our experience with our clients. If you're looking to enter this world, you have found the right team.
Become an owner of your own Conex at one of the sites developed and managed by GoGo Tech. Enjoy a low pass-through rates of 4c kWh, have complete control over your miners and effectively scale your operations.
Considering going off grid? Launch your mining operation on flare gas. GoGo Tech is able to offer a 10yr PPA at 4c kWh powered by 1.4MW Gen-Sets running our custom built 53ft Modular Datacenter Units (MDUs).
Telegram: @andreykechik |